Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 4 Pictures

Hear I was playing with some leading lines. I may go back tomorrow and take another shot, since there is bug on the rail and it annoys me and it actually draws your eye to it and distracts from the actual curve of the line.

This was on a gate at a church we went to (it even had a blue roof). Shooting the foreground in focus and keeping the background out of focus.

We have an ongoing treasure hunt for our photography class and the theme is doors and stairwells. So here is a picture of a door.

Here is another picture of a door handle and lock.

I have to get some pictures of the flowers in the area, so here you go. Found these on our way up to a little church on a hill. Shooting the foreground in focus and the background out of focus.

The technique is the same as above, but with a different flower.

This is the exact same location as the photograph above, but I choose to have the background in focus and keep the foreground out of focus.

Here is a picture of the little blue church that we went to. There was an outcrop of rock behind it, and even a couple of quasi-steps that led down to it. 

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