Friday, May 25, 2012

Clearly Enjoying Paradise

Yowza! Completely forgot to blog yesterday! Sorry everybody out there. Yesterday and today are more along the lines of chill days. Yesterday was good for a few reasons.

One: class. Yes, I'm one of those dorky people that like school, especially other languages. I always love our Modern Greek lessons, I just wish we would be able to spend more time doing it.

Two: lunch. I'm a fan of food, but let's be honest, who isn't? We had our leftovers of our mac n' cheese, but with a twist. We had a leftover sausage with leak that we cut up and fried and then we added the mac n' cheese. It was almost like hot dogs and mac n' cheese. It didn't last long. We devoured that meal like nobody's business.

Three: free time. I love our hikes around the island and everything, but it is always nice to have a day where we can decompress from everything. I know we have weekends and everything, but I don't like spending the whole weekend decompressing. I would much rather be out doing something. It is often just one afternoon that we need to just soak up what has happened in the past week.

We came to the realization that we have less than two weeks left. Sad sad day. However, we did not dwell on this reality, but chose to remain in the present and continue absorbing everything we have right now. We will cross the bridge back to the reality of going home when the time comes. Until then we are enjoying everything that Santorini has to offer. Yamas!

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